Contact Hours: 50 (Instruction)
Maximum Marks: 50 (External: 40, Internal: 10)
The Environmental Education Course will enable the Student Teachers to:
1. Acquire Knowledge and understanding of the terms, concepts and definitions, principles and Laws, process, relationships, phenomena related to environment.
2. Develop an understanding of the natural resources, associated problems / issues and their Management.
3. Apply the knowledge and understanding of the environmental concepts, principles, etc., in their practical situations to arrive at the solutions / alternative solutions to the environmental Problems / issues.
4. Appreciate the physical, biological, social, cultural. political and economic aspects of the Environment, their interrelationships and interactions (with special reference to human Impact on environment), needed efforts to preserving life on the Earth.
5. Develop scientific attitude towards the problems and issues of environment and appreciate the Need for conservation of the environment.
6. Develop an understanding of the meaning, scope and importance of Environmental Education in Schools and B.Ed. colleges
7. Develop necessary skills and competencies in planning. designing and organizing EE activities / Programmes in schools.
8. Use appropriate tools/ techniques in evaluating EE outcomes.
9. Participate actively in community oriented EE activities and programmes.
Unit I
Introduction to our Environment
- Meaning. Importance and components of Environment- Principles of Environment (interdependence and interrelationships)-
- Ecosystems- Meaning, types, characteristics and ecological balance. (5 Hours)
Unit II
Ecological Process
- Biosphere, Flow of Energy. Nutrient Cycles, Carrying Capacity. Conservation of natural resources. Bio- magnification. (5 Hours)
Unit III
Conservation of Natural Resources Problems, Perspectives and Management
- Natural resources (renewable and non-renewable)- Bio diversity- socioeconomic and cultural factors including poverty leading to exploitation and degradation of natural resources, changing life styles and its impact on environment.
- Pollution- Water, land, air, sound and radioactive
- Environmental Problems -Global, Regional and Local.
- Problems at the global level:
- Population explosion. Global warming and Greenhouse effect, Acid rain ozone depletion and CFCs. Deforestation, Extinction of Species, Loss of Habitat and Biodiversity. Industrialization and Urbanization, Commercialization of agriculture
- Problems at the State level:
- Soil erosion, Deforestation, Bad water management
- Solid waste and its disposal. Destruction of mangroves o Over fishing and marine pollution, shrinking of back waters
- Quarrying. Sand mining, Food adulteration, Changing cropping patterns and land use
- Problems at the local/ immediate environment
- Specific environmental issues pertaining to the district
- Concept of Sustainable Development need and requirement for attaining Sustainable development.
- Important Environmental Movements in the country with special reference to Environment Movements in Kerala.
- Legislative measures in India for Protection of environment
Unit IV
Teaching- Learning strategies in Environmental Education
- Environmental Education- meaning, need, significance and characteristics. Objectives and principles of Environmental Education.
- Role of national and international organizations and movements in the promotion of Environmental Education Approaches- Infusion and problem-solving
- Methods- Discussion, Demonstration and Project
- Techniques -Observation, Nature games, Nature walk, Quiz, Role play, Brain storming, Survey, Dramatization, Puppetry. Case study, etc.
- Co- curricular activities -Field trips, Collection, Exhibitions, Film shows, Video Shows, eco clubs.
- Evaluation in Environmental Education
- Use of appropriate tools and techniques of evaluation- Achievement tests, questionnaire, rating scale. observation schedule and Case studies, Evaluation of projects (20 Hours)
Visit a place of severe environmental pollution in your locality and analyse the sociopolitical causes of pollution there.